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How do I remove my tempered glass screen protector from my phone?

Happy to help you out with that! 

If you are attempting to remove any of our tempered glass screen protectors, you can do so following the instructions below:

You can remove any of our glass screen protectors by using a stiff card like an ID or credit card. Lift the screen protector with the card from any corner of the screen protector. Once the corner has been lifted off the device, hold the corner and remove slowly.

Since this is glass, we know you might be worried about it shattering – we can assure you it will not break into separate pieces of glass. The screen protector will hold all the pieces in place even as the glass cracks when you bend it to pull it off your screen. Also, since all of our screen protectors are designed with a special adhesive, it will not leave any residue on your screen if you choose to take it off.

If you are looking for help removing one of our other screen protector options, you can find those instructions here: 

SureShield Liquid Glass

Ultra Liquid Glass

Crystal-Clear Film 

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